Dr. Mednick is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in a unique blend of various cutting-edge methodologies to offer her clients the deepest possible healing.

She has received her Psy.D, MFT from Ryokan College. Dr. Mednick also holds Master’s degrees in both Applied Psychology as well as Counseling Psychology and her undergraduate work was at the University of Southern California.

Dr. Mednick has also received an additional degree in the field of Consciousness Health and Healing. This concentration allows her a deep understanding of the most severe addictions and traumas, and to assist in finding ways to help her clients heal on all five levels of consciousness: Mental, Physical, Energetic, Emotional, and Spiritual. She takes ongoing training in advanced EMDR techniques such as the Strategic Developmental Model for EMDR, is certified in Brain Spotting, and trained in Sensory Motor Psychotherapy and Somatic Therapy. This has assisted her most extremely traumatized clients and addicts to process their issues much more easily, and without undue distress.

Through trauma, illness, and addiction therapy, she transitions clients from the identification of living as “victims” or “survivors” all the way to that of living as “thrivers.” Dr. Mednick has built her practice with clients worldwide and offers them complete healing to find deep meaning in past occurrences and to take the “silver lining” perspective and view these issues as blessings in disguise. She strives to bring her clients completion in the trauma/addiction/illness cycle and to move them from being pulled into the trauma vortex (pain and chaos) towards easily and consciously choosing the healing vortex (calm and relaxed). She also treats dual-diagnosis clients with an emphasis on underlying psychological trauma.

Dr. Mednick believes in the importance of the Inner Journey and how best to support her clients in reconnecting with that which is inside. Dr. Mednick had also undertaken twelve further years of study with world-renowned Energy Medicine specialist Christine Schenk. The integration of decades of learning and experience education has helped Joanne to assist her clients in reaching higher levels of inner peace, connectedness in their bodies, and achieving a sense of wellness in their lives. Through her many years as a therapist and her deep commitment to cutting-edge education, she has learned to pinpoint even the most resistant clients’ deepest issues and help them to change their destructive patterns. Dr. Mednick believes it is her life’s purpose to help others move along their own path towards full and complete healing.